Friday, March 30, 2012

Welcome Bronzed Beauties!!

Welcome!!!  If you have made it to this blog then it must mean one of two are interested in tanning or you are interested in me...whatever the reason, I am glad you stopped by.  Now, a little bit about myself and why I started my own spray tan business.  My mom tells me I was born tan, now whether that means I was tanning in the womb or not, I do not know.  All I know is I was always tan and always in the sun.  I spent my younger years and all throughout my early 20's either at the pool, beach, or tanning bed.  Sometimes when I felt frisky I would lay out at the pool all day and then go to the tanning bed (the same day).  Sick, I know.  If I hadn't stopped tanning when I did, I imagine I would look like somewhere between a California Raisin or a LAZETTI Italian Made Perforated Leather Designer Handbag.  I was 25 when I had my first mole removed because it had changed shape and color...I remember crying and crying when I left the doctors office.  I just knew I had cancer and my life was over...luckily they caught it BEFORE it turned to cancer (the pathology reports showed severe cell changes, so it was just a matter of time before it did).  That entire ordeal scared me for all of the time it took to get the news back that I was ok, and was going to live.  I was back at the tanning salon the next day.  And so it continued.  The non-stop cooking of my poor skin- not even the new wrinkles I would find on my chest were enough to stop me, I was convinced the darker I was the less noticeable the would be- come to find out everyone was calling me "zipper chest" and "skin craft head" behind my back.  Seven moles with cell changes, chest wrinkles, high blood pressure red skin, AND the numerous reports of how bad the tanning bed really was for you later- I finally stopped.  Thats it.  I haven't been back to a tanning bed since.  Now, Im not going to lie to you, there are three of them at my gym and sometimes I find myself walking by the bed only to hear it call my name...oh how I long to lay in it.  I even have a twinge of jealousy towards the people I see leaving those rooms looking bright eyed and brown.  Then I look down at the tops of my hands which could almost be confused for a 90 year old womans and I remember why it's not me lying in that bed.  I tried the Mystic Tans and the Versa Spa.  The Versa Spa wasn't that bad but I found that the color was a little too dark for me.  Then I had a girl that would come to my house and tan me, she did an awesome job and I LOVED the results- but she moved...and didnt take me with her.  So, there I was.  All alone, wrinkled, and white.  I had to do something and fast- this was an emergency.  Now, a little trivia that some of you may not know, while I am diverse in my tastes and interests, Cosmetology was and has always been an interest of mine.  I went to Cosmetology School in 2000- and even received an award for "Vocational Excellence" while I was there.  Cool- so then what?  I went and worked at a grocery store or something stupid like that.  I have always had a interest in the skin, nails, tanning, not so much hair (I like having mine done) and Ive been known to do a pretty fierce french braid back in the day, but for now I will stick to what I am good at.   I decided to start my spray tan business because I LOVE making people feel good about themselves, making them feel beautiful...and lets face it having tan skin just makes life better. Your teeth appear whiter, your skin looks healthier and beautiful, and your positive energy increases. The most important thing is that it is safe, a safe alternative to the tanning bed.  Maybe I can keep one less person from looking like they were in a knife fight from having numerous sun damaged skin spots removed.  Who knows?!?!  Bottom line is I love to tan and I now know that I can not achieve the color that I like from the tanning bed, it is no longer an option for me.  Sunless Spray Tanning allows me to be tan and choose different shades- depending on what I want.  Natural for the cooler months and a deep bronze for the summer. I cant reverse the damage I have already done to my skin, but I can protect it from future damage.  So, that is how Bronzed and Beautiful came about- that is why I am here.  To protect my skin and yours, to educate tanners about the dangers of irresponsible tanning, and to add to the beauty that all of you already have, in a safe way.