Thursday, April 5, 2012

Building Self Esteem And Body Image Part 1

Men and women alike are bombarded daily with media images of the "perfect" person who has been painted, sprayed, blown-dry and dressed to perfection by professionals paid to create the image of flawless beauty.  Great work if you can get it, but what does life offer the majority of us who want to look and feel great even if we're not supermodel material? A beautiful, golden tan from your local professional spray tanner may be just the enhancement needed to highlight your natural qualities. First and foremost, a person must realize that beauty comes in all shapes and sizes. Everyone has a different idea of beauty, and what appeals to one person may not necessarily appeal to another. It's all a matter of taste--all you have to do is discover your unique qualities and make the most of them.  This is why spray tanning has become one of the fastest growing personal-care services in the country. More and more Americans have come to realize that regardless of a person's shape or size, a well- maintained tan helps maximize a person's physical qualities. Consumers who utilize the service of spray tanning are not afraid to get out and show themselves to their best advantage.  A Golden Tan Builds Confidence.  What is confidence? Confidence is the way you feel about yourself based upon your perception of how effectively you deal with the world. Simply put, it is how you evaluate you. People with a great deal of confidence feel good about themselves and think that they are capable of accomplishing most tasks that confront them.  Self-confidence affects our entire life. In general, the rougher the going gets on the outside, the greater the need for self-worth on the inside. Your ability to overcome obstacles is enhanced if you have high self-esteem. You are who you think you are--no more, no less. That's why it pays to think, feel and look your best.  Confidence in adulthood is often an elusive quality. However, people know it when they see it, and it's totally irresistible. There is no person sexier or more beautiful than one with full confidence in themselves and their abilities. Confidence from a well-tanned individual radiates like a light, drawing opportunities and admirers in miraculous ways. Expressing a sincere and honest belief in yourself and your abilities doesn't mean you are conceited. Just take a good, long look at yourself, finding your strengths and using them to project the utmost confidence.  Adults always have looked for ways to boost their self-confidence by physical enhancements. For example, if people compliment us on our great smile, we may consider whitening our teeth to make them even more noticeable. To even further enhance their smiles, women may use only the highest-quality lipsticks in flattering colors. They also keep their lips soft and supple with top-of-the-line lip balms.  Is thick, rich hair one of your best assets? To build self-confidence in this area, you may have considered highlighting your hair to bring out its natural beauty. Undoubtedly, you use only the best hair products and don't mind spending money on them. If hair is one of your best natural qualities, you have probably experimented with a variety of styles to find which are the most flattering and match your personality the best.  Maybe you have a trim figure. If so, you wear clothes that show it off. You have developed the self-confidence that allows you to strut your stuff without being afraid of looking good. While most people envy you, they also respect you for having the courage to live up to your greatest potential. 

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